Greenbizz: recycling, research, and urban density
ecosystem is slowly but very surely taking form, welcoming fresh arrivals and
long-time friends alike. Newcomer FABLAB BRUSSELS for example has decided to join
the party, moving into one of the project’s largest workshops shown above. Sign
of our collaborative times : interior design for the lab (conducted by
opla architects) will integrate a whole range of recycled fit-out material
including partitions, furniture, lighting fixtures, etc recuperated from
architectesassoc’s heavy office
refurb HD54 on site april 2017. Amongst GREENBIZZ’s most loyal co-investors,
the Belgian Building Research Institute (bbri) is on the other hand already settled
in the upstairs incubator (fit-out by architectesassoc), conveniently sitting right above its double-height workshop.
This design-stage option taken early on by the architects … that is to say
positioning incubator and workshops not just on the same site but squarely atop
each other thus creating obvious synergies and concomittently urban density …
is one of GREENBIZZ’s most salient and innovative caracteristics.