Permits for architectesassoc’s UNICITY project in the city of Luxembourg for clients IKO Real Estate and THOMAS&PIRON LUX have been delivered by local Authorities. Discussions with the latter have been long, intense, challenging but more than worthwhile, resulting in an atuned mix of housing, retail and offices geared for regeneration in a neighborhood full of potential, and already booming. A public open-air plaza is purposely positioned on the street corner for maximum visibility coming from the train station nearby. Shops, a restaurant and café animate the ground floors. Housing completes the existing street alignments, large terraces along its facades at pedestrian level, and carved out of its singular volume roof-top. A covered court greets occupants and visitors entering the office ensemble, federating workspace organized around it. In effect, these two commons, one outdoors and one indoors, are projected as lively federating easy-to-feel-comfortable-in unbuilt space nourishing built space. In turn the latter and notably material choice defining it is nourished by the ambiance to be established: light-colored softly glowing glazed brick generates a cheerful atmosphere for housing and retail, iridescent aluminium cladding with automated mesh louvers pivoting as the sun progresses bestow a dynamic enterprising image upon the staggered offices overlooking the surrounding Hollerich neighborhood. Sustainability and heritage issues equally impact design, resulting in modular, flexible layouts for all functions, energy efficiency, lightweight timber panels hovering above listed 1930’s brick façades, terracotta elements for housing and locally resourced stone for the plaza.
Work on site will start by the end of 2021, due finished in 2024.
Go to: https://unicity-luxembourg.lu