brussels goes passive, what's in it for architecture
In this book, the Brussels-based university ULB, the Brussels Environment Agency, and the Passive House Platform have asked
several experts (architects, engineers, contractors, sponsors, lawyers, …) including architectesassoc. to share insights on how and where practice MUST change, and
how and why think-modes have been modified by the passive uprising. The debate
is open, but hooting that 0,6 air-tightness will strangulate the real estate
market is just as ridiculous as thinking that going passive is the only route
to sustainable heaven. architectesassoc.
takes a clear stance: « C'est un discours peu relayé en Belgique vu
le ramdam 2015, mais en tant qu'architectes c’est bien de nos valeurs sociétales que nous devons
débattre, et le passif c'est de la technique et la technique n'est PAS une
valeur . »