brussels greenbizz - genesis presented at the 2012 phsymposium

Embracing a myriad of intertwining criteria, the inherent complexity of not only Greenbizz but of the general issue of sustainable thinking has been welcomed and integrated during its genesis. This paper from the 2012 PHsymposium explains that the design process here has obviously taken its cue from Aeropolis and Elia ... but with one fundamental shift prompted from day one by citydev’s competition brief : Greenbizz's key challenge is not just about energy, it is about triggering positive social and economic outcomes in a part of town simmering with potential. It is about bringing to light, fostering, and harvesting that human energy , taking into account the global nature of the social, contextual, economic and temporal aspects concerned, visible only through the all-encompassing lens of empathy. That means no pigeonholing: “ Les découpages conduisent nécessairement à des actions mutilantes … l’hyper simplification est réductrice (comme la segmentation ou la spécialisation) … elle rend aveugle à la complexité du réel. ”    Michel, P. and Cantin R. (2010), Complexité du bâtiment durable. In Actes du Colloque International francophone “Complexité 2010”  p. 7.

