bruxelles architecture de 1950 a aujourd'hui

More like a catalogue, over 400 built projects in Brussels are presented here offering a clear and recognizable whiff of what makes up the city. This is an honest no-frills view of key projects … some pertinent, some less so. From the 1960s beehive concept at the CBR Headquarters (by Brodzki/Lambrichs, pgs 58-59)  to the National Theatre’s  transluscent veil 50 years later (by architectesassoc/Escaut/Gigogne, cover and pg 239), the authors present sketches, photographs and a short analysis of each decade’s production. Several other architectesassoc. projects are included : Ernotte, Belmont Court, Reine, Centre Maisin, Royale-Brialemont and Crespel. (AAM Editions)